Best Online Parenting Help & Guidance Counselling

Discover solutions to all of your patenting life.

Talk Online with the Best Psychologist & Counsellor

Acquire the best parenting skills to nurture your child. Raise yourself in order to raise your child. Establishing healthy connection.

Be the Best Parent of Your Child

Accepting the difference. Nurturing good values & unconditional love. Take best decisions for your child.


Lack of time

Unable to understand what the child wants

Difficulty to make decisions

Family pressure

Societal expectations

Peer pressure

Cultural norms

Lack of control

Excessive use of social media

Fear of losing children


Unable to provide right assistance

Difficulty providing emotional support

Unable to express yourself

Lack of communication

Too occupied with other things

Hard to understand children’s concerns

Difficulty maintaining relationships

Frequent fights

Fear of misusing freedom

Balancing family and career

Afraid to say “No”

Difficulty in providing quality education

Want children to be perfect

Parenting Help and Guidance Online

With increase in technology and modernization, there have been multiple challenges faced in the journey of parenting. If you are a parent or looking forward to become a parent, you may have already looked on multiple books or programs on “Parenting”. Most of them offer wisdom about ways to raise your child but none of them have mentioned about how to raise yourself as a parent.

Parenting is a divine journey of raising yourself to help your child grow to the fullest possibilities. It is not about making your child better than you or making your child work for your dreams but it is all about understanding your privileges and learning the appropriate ways to raise your child.

Parenting involves in depth understanding of what your child wants and which direction is appropriate for them. It is hard to guide your child with the right direction when so many multiple directions are available. The good news is that online therapy can help you understand which direction would serve the best for you and your child. However, most parents have become experts in explaining their actions for their children. If you are doing that let us tell you the ways of helping your child become capable and do what they want in life. We provide you with unconditional support and guidance to help you improve your relations and nurture your child in the best way.

Challenges faced by parents

Holding a responsibility of making your child capable also brings the challenges faced on the part of parents. The commonly faced challenges are –

  • Lack of time
  • Unable to understand what the child wants
  • Difficulty to make decisions
  • Family pressure
  • Societal expectations
  • Peer pressure
  • Cultural norms
  • Lack of control
  • Excessive use of social media
  • Fear of losing children
  • Overprotective
  • Unable to provide right assistance
  • Difficulty providing emotional support
  • Unable to express yourself
  • Lack of communication
  • Too occupied with other things
  • Hard to understand children’s concerns
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Frequent fights
  • Fear of misusing freedom
  • Balancing family and career
  • Afraid to say “No”
  • Difficulty in providing quality education
  • Want children to be perfect

Being a parent, you would have definitely experienced either of these challenges, were you able to improve it? Or has it made things worse? At times, It is hard to accept the challenges but things improve when you take responsibility to work on it. Seeking professional help can make things easier for you. The professional understands your concerns as a parent and provides guidance to help you overcome your challenges along with improved family relations.

Single parenting

In some cases, people face the challenge of doing single parenting where they want to provide everything that both parents could do. The more responsibility brings increased challenges where parents feel that they are unable to understand their child needs, or face difficulties in providing them. In such situations, online therapy can provide you with unconditional support and guidance through intensive therapy sessions. A therapist will help you understand your child’s needs and guide you with appropriate ways of nurturing them. You may feel that you can deal with your problems alone, but let us tell you that seeking help will not just help you improve your problems but also acquire skills to help your child grow to the fullest potential.

Benefits of Manastha online counselling

  • It provides you a controlled platform to express yourself, explore your emotional needs and discover the solutions to your challenges.
  • We help you understand the root cause of your problems and provide insightful-solution oriented ways of overcoming your difficulties.
  • Here you acquire best parenting skills to nurture your child.
  • We help you to raise yourself in order to raise your child.
  • You develop life-changing perspectives towards your problems.
  • You are empowered and motivated to develop healthy ways to blossom your child.
  • This divine journey will help you become capable of overcoming all your challenges along with improved relationship with your children.

Most of the times, sharing the challenges makes it easier to acquire and work on solutions. Instead of deciding whether your challenge deserves to be shared, let us tell you that every challenge deserves your attention in order to improve it. Here we help you attain solutions to your challenges and acquire best parenting skills to help you nurture your child.