Best Relationship Online Counselling

Couple counselling, Marriage counselling, Relationship issues, Breakup

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Talk to the Best Psychologist & Counsellor

Make a strong bond with your partner. Establish a healthy communication. Learn the love language. Ignite the lost spark. Balance your expectations and differences. Come out of any tough situation together.

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Toxic Relationship or Breakup

Get help in moving on from the breakup. Come out of Toxic relationship. Heal the trust and emotional issues. Deal with cheating and infidelity.

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Relationship Online counselling for

  • Couple Counselling
  • Relationship Issues
  • Unhappy Marriage
  • Moving on from a Breakup
  • Coming out from the toxic relationship
  • Trust issues and other emotional issues
  • Regaining the spark
  • Learning the Love Language
  • Cheating or Infidelity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Incompatibility

Relationships are the most important and vital parts our life. Building A healthy relationship is an Art to be learnt and a seed to be nourished.

Online Counselling and Therapy for Relationship is quite necessary when you are not able to be in harmony with your present , past or upcoming relations.

Couple Counselling:

Are you unable to communicate with your partner?

Have there been frequent fights lately?

Feel like something is missing?

Confused whether to hold on or move on?
Sometimes we can love a person and still be toxic for them due to our past experiences, unresolved insecurities, distorted patterns of thinking, ideas of relationship, anger issues, controlling behavior etc.

For healthy relationships we need to learn

– skills of open communication

– conflict resolution

– unconditional Acceptance and Forgiveness etc.

Couples can feel apprehensive about initiating therapy as it would mean acknowledging the difficulties that their relationship is experiencing. Some are not able to identify where things might be going wrong for them and end up increasing the problems due to miscommunication, fights, emotional blackmail, cheating or violence etc.


Behavioural Issues – Anger outbursts, emotional volatility, addictions-alcohol, smoking, porn, gambling, can gradually turn into the bigger concerns if left unresolved and can impact the relationship bond deeply

Distorted Communication – Criticism, verbal abuse, harsh, demeaning words or breakdown in communication can create havoc in romantic relationship.

Different Love language – Each individual expresses and experiences love in their own unique ways. A mismatch in love language can leave either or both partners feeling uncared for, neglected and not understood.

Cheating or Infidelity – A betrayal and breach of trust can damage the relationship extensively, however instead of letting it be the end of the relationship, therapy can help using this experience to give the bond a new leash on life. One can also learn to move on if the situation is beyond any repair.

Past Baggage – When personal experiences have not been unpacked and worked on, it seeps into the couple dynamics which therapy can help unravel and explore

Sexual Incompatibility – Differences in libido, frequency of sexual activity, lack of sexual urges, low interest, varying sexual needs can lead to unmet needs leaving partners feeling undesired and disconnected

Conflict Resolution – Inability to convey concerns, shutting down or aggressively attacking partner while bringing up a conflict leads to more emotional damage to a bond leading to build up of resentment and bitterness towards partner

Trauma – External events like loss of a loved one – parent or child, accidents, major injury, financial ruin or internal events like physical, sexual abuse within relationship can suck the life out of a relationship leaving two estranged people in its wake

How can Manastha online counselling and therapy can help and benefit you to Heal Your Relationships ?

  • Fostering Awareness of individual and couple patterns
  • Establishing Healthy communication
  • Effective conflict resolution
  • Deeper and better understanding of their partner’s needs
  • Enhanced emotional and mental connection
  • Better interpersonal skills
  • Unconditional Acceptance and Love
  • Building deep trust
  • Developing insight into deep rooted reasons for lack of trust
  • Allowing expression of feelings of hurt, betrayal, anger or resentment from past emotional wounds
  • Helping in gaining an understanding personality factors that create mistrust
  • Breaking cycles of negative/unhealthy thought patterns
  • Fostering open channels of communication to express themselves to their partner
  • Exploring ways to acquire feelings of safety
  • Working on developing a healthy sense of self
  • Develop long lasting changes

Having Trouble in Moving on From the Breakup ?

Moving on is tough, and one can experience a whole range of difficult feelings, complicated thoughts, obsessive behavior patterns, which can affect one’s productivity at work, quality of relationships with friends and family and squander one’s self-esteem & self-image. Dealing with breakup is indeed a challenging task because the loss is irrevocable, the pain is unexplainable, the feeling is uncontrollable, the state of mind is overwhelming, emotional and psychological investment in the person is gone for a toss. Loss of interest, sleep, appetite, detachment and lost social interest takes charge and control us.

How Online Counselling and Therapy Will help You ?

  • Healthy Coping Mechanisms
  • Wisely dealing with the emptiness and the void
  • Healing overwhelming emotions and Unresolved emotions
  • Dealing With overthinking and negative thoughts
  • Accepting Truth and rationalizing situation
  • Converting self-blame or self-criticism into self respect and self confidence.
  • Moving responsibly and with positive self-worth
  • Taking Accountability for your life.
  • Mindfully taking control of your heart and life.

Try to get the most out of your online counselling & therapy. Keep your appointments. Practice the exercises your therapist gives you. Treatment helps, and without it, you might get worse.Remember, you don’t have to deal with Emotional issues on your own. Help is out there.