trusted therapists
at your service
anxietydepressiontraumaocdaddictioneating disorders
Sonal Sareen

M.Phil in Clinical Psychology

7+ years of experience


Dr. Kavya Shree

MD in Psychiatry

12+ Years of Experience

anxietydepressionrelationship issuesocd

Ms. Kushaangi Roy

Masters in Psychology

6+ years of Experience

ocdpanic attackstraumaaddictiondepressionanxiety

Dr. Usha Nandini

MD in Psychiatry

7+ years of Experience

relationship issuesanxietydepressionnarcissismtraumaaddiction

Ms. Deepti Bhardwaj

MPhil in Psychology

20+ years of Experience

addictionanxietyanger managementtrauma

Dr. Yogendra Singh

MD in Psychiatry

20+ Years of Experience


Ms. Saee Deshpande

Masters in Psychology

6+ Years of Experience


Dr. Neeharika Jaiswal

MD in Psychiatry

8+ Years of Experience

narcissismrelationship issues

Ms. Urvashi

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience


Dr. Geethanjali

MD in Psychiatry

10+ Years of Experience


Ashwini Samuel

Masters in Psychology
4+ Years of Experience

traumaanxietyburnoutdepressionrelationship issuesanger management

Dr. Jwalant Bhavsar

PhD in Clinical Psychology

18+ years of Experience

anxietydepressiontraumastresscognitive distortionpanic attacksgaslighting

Ms. Shraddha Somani

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience


Dr. Tushar Panda

MD in Psychiatry

10+ Years of Experience

relationship issuesanxietystressdepressionocd

Ms. Sukhmani Walia

Masters in Psychology

RCI Advance Diploma in Child Guidance & Counselling

7+ years of experience

relationship issuesanxietysocial anxietynarcissismdepressiontraumaocdirrational fear

Dr. Janki Jhala

PhD in Psychology

17+ Years of Experience


Dr. Adesh Kumar Agrawal

MD in Psychiatry

11+ years of Experience

narcissismrelationship issuesirrational fearstressanxiety

Ms. Tripti Sachdev

Masters in Psychology
4+ Years of Experience


Kratu Sharma

Masters in Psychology

4000+ Sessions Conducted


Dr. Uma Maheswari S

MD in Psychiatry

5+ Years of Exprience

Dr. Sakshi Anand

MD in Psychiatry

6+ Years of Experience


Ms. Vaidehi Mishra

Masters in Psychology
5+ Years of Experience

anxietyrelationship issuesdepressiontrauma

Mrs. Rakhi Udapure

Masters in Psychology

9+ Years of Experience

relationship issuestraumabody image issuesanxietydepression

Vaishali Saini

Masters in Psychology

7+ Years of Experience

addictionanxietyrelationship issuesnarcissismdepression

Tarini Suvarna

M. Sc. Clinical Psychology

6+ Years of Experience

irrational fearpanic attacksanxiety

Nivedita Sharma

Mphi in Clinical Psychology

6+ Years of Experience


Honie Nair

M. Sc. Clinical Psychology

7+ years of experience

cognitive distortionstressaddiction

Michele Della

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

irrational fearsocial anxietydepression

Ms. Shreya Buttan

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience

ocdanxietyprocrastinationintrusive thoughts

Shriya Amerkar

Masters in Psychology
6+ Years of Experience

stressintrusive thoughtsanger management


Masters in Psychology

2+ Years of Experience


Ms. Nimisha Bunga

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience

relationship issuessocial anxietyanxietyirrational feardepression

Meenakshi Kuppuswamy

Masters in Psychology

8+ years of experience

irrational fearstresspanic attacksaddiction

Mrs. Tanishka Choudhary

Masters in Psychology

5+ years of Experience


Ms. Areeba

Masters in Psychology

2+ Years of Experience

cognitive distortionstressdepressionburnout

Ms. Drishti Agarwal

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience


Ms. Chandrani

M.Phil in Psychology (RCI)

6+ Years of Experience

social anxietyintrusive thoughtsanger management

Mrs. Unaiza Farooqui

Masters in Psychology

3+ years of Experience

panic attacksanxietytraumaocd

Ms. Srishti Mishra

Masters in Psychology
4+ Years of Experience


Ms. Prishita Rathore

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

Ms. Ibrat

Ms. Kriti

Masters in Psychology
3+ Years of Experience


Ms. Riya Parganiha

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

narcissismsocial anxietyprocrastinationintrusive thoughtsstress

Ms. Rajlakshmi

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience


Ms. Alisha C Ansari

Masters in Psychology

6+ Years of Experience


Ms. Vaaridhi

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience

Poornima Singaravelu


Ms. Shilpa

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience

ocdirrational fearcognitive distortion

Ms. T.R. Mahita

Masters in Psychology

4+ Years of Experience

stresspanic attacks

Ms. Neeri

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience


Ms. Yasha Malhotra

Masters in Psychology

3+ years of Experience

Ms. Aakanksha

Masters in Clinical Psychology

5+ Years of Experience

narcissismrelationship issuespanic attacks

Ms. Niyati

Masters in Clinical Psychology

6+ Years of Experience

panic attacks

Ms. Chhavi

Masters in psychology

6+ Years of Experience


Ms. Sonam Meena

Masters in Psychology

4+ years of Experience

anxietydepressionrelationship issues

Ms. Akanksha Lokhande

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience


Ms. Dishani

Masters in psychology
4+ years of Experience

panic attacksburnoutintrusive thoughts

Ms. Parnika

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

gaslightingcognitive distortion

Ms. Salini

Masters in Psychology

3+ years of Experience

Ms. Seerat Kaur

Masters In Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

relationship issuesanxietydepression

Ms. N Makalakshmi

Masters in Psychology

4+ years of Experience


Ms. Aheesha

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience

stressintrusive thoughtsgaslightinganxiety

Mr. Midhun

Masters in Psychology

5+ Years of Experience

anger managementintrusive thoughtssocial anxietyprocrastination

Ms. Shivani Bisht

Masters in Psychology

3+ years of Experience

gaslightingnarcissismsocial anxietydepression

Ms. Ananya Mishra

Masters in Psychology

1000+ Sessions Conducted


Dr. Aditi Udeshi

MD in Psychiatry

5+ Years of Experience

stresspanic attacks

Iqra Qureshi

Masters in Psychology

3+ Years of Experience

irrational fear

Ketaki Pasricha

Masters in Psychology

2000+ Sessions Conducted

anxietydepressionrelationship issues

Vivek Chongagar

Masters in Psychology

6+ Years of Experience

relationship issues

Meenakshi Bhardwaj

Masters in Psychology

1000+ Sessions Conducted

stressirrational fear

Sarah H

Masters in Psychology

2000+ Sessions Conducted

stressanxietydepressionrelationship issues

Yazhini Sharon

Masters in Counseling and Psychotherapy

5+ Years of experience